what a weekend...
I'm not sure how we managed it, but we are through the weekend!!!
Some of the busy-ness was self inflicted, but even so, it was continuous!
Saturday was a slow start for the girls, lie-ins for those that wanted it, quiet telly for the others...
Pete was up early as he was preaching on Sunday and still had to prepare.
I surfaced at about 9.30 and started on the usuals...cuppa tea, breakfast, cleaning the animals cages, washing up... later we went for a walk;
a) to get everyone out the house so Pete could study,
b) to get some sausages for lunch
c) to go to the bank to get some money to get some sausages for lunch; We had found a toad in the hole recipe and I agreed to do it... with Molly as my assistant.
Lunch done, Molly had a party in the afternoon @14.00, Carey & Elsie spent the afternoon at the park with the neighbours kids.
Pete studied for Sunday's sermon around periodic 'naps', he's tired 'coz he got up early!
I tidied the house as we have visitors tomorrow.
Collect Molly at 17.00. How's this, all the parents were invited to a drink and gateaux while waiting to collect their kids, it took 40 minutes to pick Molly up. An idea for the next party!!!
Fairly calm evening, prepared veg. etc. for tomorrow and more cleaning, tidying.
Sunday, not only do we get an hours less sleep, Pete has to be at church early to go through the sermon with his translator; set alarm for 08.00.
Dinner on, all fed, hair brushed... out the door by 09.05!!!
Home by 12.20, visitor due @ 12.30, put veg. on, do dessert... Naomi arrives; at 4 and a half, she is our youngest guest. She is dropped off to eat with us, She is Belgian but her parents want her to improve her English, so voilà.
At 15.00 she is picked up by her Dad along with Molly, and the 3 of them go to a kids concert in Lille.
Pete and the other 2 go at 16.00 to a North African concert in Roubaix, followed by church.
Once they are all out the door I rearrange the downstairs, the living room is now the dining room and visa-versa!!! Good chance to really spring clean...
2 hours later, at 18.00 Molly is returned, and the Dad comes in for a drink while the kids play a bit more, if they has been 20 minutes earlier, I still had a sideboard in the middle of the room!!! Fortunatly things were in place and fairly sorted.
Pete et-al returned at 20.30 to the re-vamped house... a total change, Elsie has found 1 item that wasn't moved, out of 2 rooms, that's not bad!!!
So; it was good to put my feet up for 10 minutes last night with a cuppa before retiring to bed.
Good job I did have that 10 minutes 'coz we hit the ground running this morning, I forgot to re set my alarm!
we got up at 08.00... By 08.15 everyone was dressed, hair done, shoes on, had a drink, had a pot of something to eat in the car, had school bags and were out the door...all that was left for them to do was wake up!